Camper Registration

Please make sure to review all the information prior to registration. Contact us if you have any questions prior to the registration date in order to make the process as smooth as possible.

Please note that there is no profile creation or pre-registration option. The registration must be completed in full during the registration period.

If you are a first time user, you do not have an Active Network account: please watch the “First-Time User Tutorial” located in the Tutorials tab.

If you are a returning user from 2018 or later, please check your Active Network username and password by clicking on the link below:

Week A: June 18 - June 22 (Wed - Sun | Ages 7 - 12) |  $575

Directors: Melkon Melkonian | Siamanto Maronian | Taleen Markarian | Seto Cherchian

Week B: June 22 - June 29 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Directors: Dikran Melkonian | Tamar Gharibian | Hrag Melkonian | Hrag Tomassian

Week C: June 29 - July 3 (Sun - Thurs | Ages 7 - 12) | $575

Directors: Razmig Chahmelikian | Ara Malikian | Shant Hairapetian | Chris Jamgotchian

Week D: July 6 - July 13 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Directors: Shahan Kaprielian | Talar Chahinian | Hovig Kazandjian | Aleena Sivazlian

Week E: July 13 - July 20 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Directors: Aram Andonian | Sylva Khayalian | Lori Berberian

Week F: July 20 - July 27 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Arick Gevorkian | Serop Chalian | Nanor Kassabian | Sareen Habeshian

Week G: July 27 - Aug. 3 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Directors: Aram Madenlian | Vaughn Gaboudian | Sako Aslanian | Talia Jabrayan

Week H: Aug. 3 - Aug. 10 | (Sun - Sun | Ages 8 - 17) | $775

Directors: Hrag Gaboudian | Anya Agopian | Raffi Badalian | Talar Kassabian



While it is our sincere desire to accommodate all campers, we are limited by the number of beds in each cabin. We do offer a waiting list to fill spots when vacancies occur, and applications are processed in the order they are received. While we cannot guarantee a spot for anyone who signs up for the waitlist, we know that at least some spots open up each week and more campers will be able to attend. The following is our waitlist policy:

  • Spots on the waitlist are non-transferable. The waitlist is conducted on a first come first serve basis. No exceptions (this means you cannot cancel your registration and choose to replace the spot with a sibling, friend. etc. OR switch spots between weeks between siblings, friends, etc.).

  • If a week is full and you register your camper for a waitlist, you will receive an e-mail confirmation notifying you that your camper is on the waitlist. You may also register for another week.

  • If a spot becomes available, we will contact you by phone and/or e-mail. You will have 24 hours to respond. After that, we will contact the next person on the list. Should you decline your offer it must be in writing via email and you will forfeit your spot permanently.

  • The waitlist application does not include a payment page. Should the camper move up from the waitlist, you will receive a phone call confirmation and a manual payment will be taken over the phone, or you will have 24 hours to login and make your payment online.

  • You may register for as many waitlists that are available.

  • No one may replace another’s spot on the waitlist.

  • Once a waitlist is closed, it will no longer be an option on the registration unless it reopens at a later time. Should a waitlist reopen, we will make an announcement prior to reopening.

POLICIES & WAIVERS Below are links to the waivers you will be agreeing to and signing during registration. Please read these agreements and waivers prior to registration so that you are fully aware of all our policies.

Participation Agreement  

Photo/Video Release Waiver 

Arbitration Agreement